
泛旅传媒 2022-02-25 16:28 编辑:茅月 69阅读


第一部分 东部纵览
五岳之首——泰山 Mount Tai, Next to None among Five Famous Mountains in China
人间仙境——蓬莱 Penglai, a Fairyland on Earth
世外桃源——刘公岛 Liugong Island, a Paradise Island
鱼米之乡——太湖 Lake Tai, a Land of Fish and Rice
水墨天成——西湖 The West Lake, a Picturesque Landscape Created by God
东海旖旎——雁荡山 Mount Yandang,Charmingly Overlooking the East Sea
世界遗产——武夷山 Mount Wuyi, in he List of World Heritage
海上花园——鼓浪屿Gulangyu Island,a Fragrant Garden on the Sea
第二部分 南方览胜
秀出东南——庐山Mount Lu, Standing out in Southeast China
热带天堂——西双版纳 Xishuangbanna, a Tropical Paradise
熊猫故乡——卧龙Wolong, Home to Giant Pandas
神秘圣洁——香格里拉 Shangri-la,Mysterious and Holy
人间瑶池——九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley, Goddess’ Jasper Lake on Earth
美冠中华——桂林山水East or West,Guilin Landscape is Best
翡翠山城——五指山Wuzhi Mountain,Erecting in a Jade Mountain City
阳光沙滩——三亚 Sun, Sea, Sand, and Sanya
第三部分 中原鸟瞰
——承德Chengde, the Royal Backyard
榆树之城——大理Dali, a City of Elm
奇险天下——华山Mount Hua, the Most Precipitous Spectacle
千峰竞秀——黄山Yellow Mountain,Where Thousands of Peaks Vying for the Splendor
武林胜地——武当山Mount Wudang, a Resort for Chinese Martial Arts
绿色珍珠——神农架Shennongjia, a Green Pearl
山水画廊——三峡The Three Gorges, a Corridor of Mountains-and- Waters Paintings
华夏动脉——黄河The Yellow River, an Artery of Chinese Civilization
佛教圣地——峨眉山 Mount Emei, a Sacred Mountain for Buddhism
第四部分 西部寻踪
艺术宝库——敦煌 Dunhuang, a Goldmine of Arts
高原明珠——青海湖Qinghai Lake, a Pearl on the Tibetan Plateau
沙漠绿洲——吐鲁番Turpan, the Oasis
西游传奇——火焰山Flaming Mountain,a Legendary Mountain in Chinese Literature
亦真亦幻——喀纳斯湖Kanas Lake, Real or Fantasy
圣洁脱俗——天山The Tianshan Mountains , Holy and Immortal
生命之河—— 塔里木河 The Tarim River, a River of Life in Dessert
死亡之海——塔克拉玛干沙漠 The Taklamakan Desert, the Sea of Death
峡谷之最——雅鲁藏布大峡谷The Yarlung Zangbo Canyon, the World’s Deepest Canyon
第五部分 北方探奇
冬夏相宜——太阳岛The Sun Island, a Paradise Resort in Winters and Summers
仙鹤故乡——扎龙 Zhalong, Home to Cranes
东北宝库——长白山Mount Changbai,a Treasure House in Northeastern China
流贯古今——松花江Songhua River, a River That Never Stops
心灵驰骋——草原Free your heart, on the Grassland
浪漫迤逦——金石滩The Romantic Golden Pebble Beach
第六部分 宝岛台湾
台湾“天池”——日月潭Sun Moon Lake, Like the TianChi Lake in Taiwan
山清水碧——阿里山Alishan, Feasting Your Eyes with Clear Water and Mountain
宝岛三峡——太鲁阁大峡谷Taroko Gorge, Like the Three Gorges on the Taiwan Island
山海之旅—a686964616fe4b893e5b19e—垦丁A Kenting Trip between Mountain and Sea
珍珠散落——澎湖列岛 The Penghu Island, Pearls scattered